CDOT Colorado bicycle and byways map

DENVER — CDOT released an interactive map showing Colorado’s bike and byways.

The map shows roadway data including shoulder widths and traffic volumes.

“Along with all the information that’s available in the hard copy of the map, the new app will offer lots of options that we think bicyclists will appreciate,” said CDOT Bicycling Program Manager Betsy Jacobsen.  “Specific items like where bike shops, restaurants and welcome centers are located will be available.  It’ll also include directional information, allowing cyclists to request specific point-to-point directions.”

In addition, the new app also has the ability to show street views, so users unfamiliar with an area or roadway can see the actual road and determine if it fits their cycling abilities.  It also will provide alerts such as road closures and available detour routes.

Check out the map at


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