EPCC Meeting minutes – 6/11/14

  1. Greg Sampson had a quick note
    1. T-shirts- should be available before bike to work day
    2. IMBA volunteer insurance is in limbo right now, this effects are potential and future efforts at trail maintenance on H Bar G ranch, updates to follow
  2. Erica Goad updated us with information on HY 36 & 34
    1. CDOT has responded to those of us who have sent The Letter (thanks again Erica!!) an 8 million grant has been allocated to hwy 36 for bike lanes
      BFC Fall2014 ReportCard EstesPark
      BFC Fall2014 ReportCard EstesPark
      120.7 KiB
    2. Community Cycles in Loveland is advocating for hwy 34 bike lane
    3. Thanks to Charley Dickey, The Letter has been disseminated to over 1,200 people
    4. Over one hundred Boulder bike manufacturers have received The Letter
  3. Bike to Work/Bike to Play
    1. Alicia presented wonderful posters with dates and information about bike to work/bike to play
      Stanley Bike Park Concept
      Stanley Bike Park Concept
      Version: 7.25.16
      2.7 MiB
      2016 Volunteer Desciptions
      2016 Volunteer Desciptions
      130.5 KiB
    2. Bike to work Day will be on the 25th at the Visitor Center, from 6 AM to 9 AM
    3. Wear your shirt, if we get them that day we could change in the restrooms at the Visitor Center (a volunteer can assist you if you need help 😉 )
    4. The Mayor read a proclamation at the last town board meeting [justified_image_grid ids=1475,1477,1478]
    5. Belle Morris extended an invitation for the kid’s events on June 21st at Bond Park
      1. Bike safety games
      2. Big Wheel competitions
      3. Stunt course
      4. Fun run 2-2:45
    6. There will be a Costume Parade Friday June 27th
  4. EP Marathon – Belle also mentioned that there is still a need for Volunteers for Estes Park Marathon, please contact her for more information
  5. Lions Gulch Trail Work on 6.14 and 6.15
    1. Sign-up with poudrewildernessvolunteers.org
    2. More potential dates to come
    3. Greg Sampson noted that “The negative event of the flood has created many positive opportunities to raise awareness of biking in the Estes area…this is a great one.”
  6. Pump track
    1. Material is in hand, labor and design are in need
    2. Marc Kriewaldt will contact Lee M. of Boulder fame about design help
  7. Marc Kriewaldt and Kt DeSantis presented a kit (jersey and shorts) for the HS Team
    1. The HS teams could use some financial assistance for the kits
    2. Ideas were shared about ordering kits for ourselves as a means to generate funds for the HS team – more info here
  8. Belle Morris presented on the Transportation Advisory Committee
    1. Committee is re-forming after the addition of new members to the board
    2. A bike path through town is still an important topic with the possible ideas of bike lanes on the roads and bike paths along the river
  9. Greg Sampson, president, discussed the need to keep membership and attendance of meetings up, points were:
    1. Group rides posted on FB
    2. keeping meetings short
    3. Group activities
      • Idea of a flood recovery celebration on the anniversary of the flood
  10. Next meetings
    1. July 16 and August 20th, 7pm, Twin Owl Steakhouse
    2. Carpooling, Biking recommended
    3. Parking at St. Barts recommended as well

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