Bike friendliness: here we come!

EPCC folk,
I wanted to share the good news that Estes Park was recognized with an Honorable Mention by the League of American Bicyclists!  This is an organization based in Washington, DC that works to assist and award communities across the country that work to improve the well-being of their community through bike and pedestrian friendliness

Some people may scoff and say “What?!  Estes Park? Bike Friendly?”  I should explain that the Estes Park Cycling Coalition applied for the Bike Friendly Community designation with letters of support from Families for Estes and Mayor Pinkham. The value in applying for and receiving the recognition is that the League provides really good feedback on areas to improve in the form of a “report card.” The Town decision makers and organizations in Estes Park can then choose some of their next projects based on the priorities listed in the report card.

The application was a snapshot of how bike friendly we are and by organizing as a cycling coalition, building trails and co-sponsoring Bike to Work, Bike to Play week demonstrate that we are heading in the right direction.
Here is more information about the designation. You can find Estes Park by clicking on the second link following the second paragraph. And the report card is attached.  A more detailed report will be sent to us at the end of January.
Gratefully yours,

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