EPCC Meeting minutes – 11/19/14

“This is the 1st positive biking group in town.” Gregg Farmer


1. Bike Park News: Gregg Farmer from the Estes Park Recreation District attended the meeting to talk about the proposed bike park. A meeting was held on 11.24 in town room 202 to discuss the master plan. Currently American Ramp Company will be contracted to design and build the bike park. Plans are expected to be completed by January and GoCO grant applications to fund the project are expected to be completed by February. Proposed site is to be the Southeast Corner of Stanley Park. Gregg Farmer pointed out that Randy Biddle’s aerial maps of the area and site recommendations helped the Recreation District with their planning. Thanks Gregg Farmer for attending and saying some kind words about EPCC!


2. Adopt A Trail – Middle Crosier- Joe Pyle shared that Mark Theiss registered EPCC to be the custodians of a section of the Crosier Mountain trail from the gravel pit near the Retreat of Glen Haven to the top of Crosier Mountain. Thanks to this adoption some EPCC members will have the opportunity to attend a trail building and maintenance seminar this Spring. This will also help EPCC garner some “street cred”…er..trail cred with the surrounding National Forest Agencies. Well-done Mark Theiss!


3. 501c3 (non-profit) application- in order for us to collect money, establish a bank account and other fiscally responsible things we need to become a registered non-profit. Greg Sampson shared that Glenn Case, vice-president of the mountain bike “branch” of EPCC is heading the non-profit application/status team. We are in search of volunteers who have experience with these matters, or are moved by the biking spirit to help us. Please contact Glenn Case to help.


4. Bike Friendly Application results- Alicia Mittleman presented the results of the Bike Friendly Community Application. Estes Park received an honorable mention from the League of American Bicyclist. On our report card, community outreach was a big positive as well as the bike path around the lake. Additionally EPCC was given details on how to advance from Honorable mention to Bronze status. EPCC plans on sharing the detailed results, expected to be received in January, with the Town and other agencies in order to help promote bicycle access improvements in our area. Well done Alicia Mittleman and everyone else who helped with this application! Alicia also shared that Josh Cramer proposed the idea of filling out the Bike Friendly application- thank-you Josh for bringing this to EPCC!


5. Transportation Advisory Committee- Belle Morris informed us of some changes in leadership with the TAC committee (to be changed to the TAB= Transportation Advisory Board) Concerns and areas of focus for this…group… are: how to manage traffic on high volume days (such as RMNP’s free days, Scottish Fest, etc.), commencing the environmental Impact study for proposed changes to Estes’ transportation routes, coordinating CDOT funds with and equal Federal contribution and trying to meet a 2016 deadline for these changes and their funding. Kari Pyle recommended that we create a petition for the creation of safe biking lanes to be included in the proposed changes. Mark Kougl and Josh Cramer advised that we create a Google doc to be disseminated to EP residents to sign.


6. Upcoming volunteer opportunities- Greg Sampson mentioned that we will be seeking volunteers for the upcoming or current projects: Bike Park, 501c3, the TAC meetings and petition. Stay tuned for announcements with details about how you can help!


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