County Road 43 cycling restrictions

With County Road 43 being a popular summertime route for cyclists to use in riding into Estes Park, I wanted to make you aware of restrictions that are currently in place for bike riders while this roadway is rebuilt.

As most of you know, sections of County Road 43 between Glen Haven and US 34 in Drake sustained significant damage in the September 2013 floods. As a result, a contractor is currently working to rebuild this 10-mile stretch of roadway.

At times when the contractor is working on the roadway (which right now is Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day) we are not allowing people to ride their bikes through the construction area. It is expected that construction will continue until late this year and the hours of operation could expand as daylight increases this summer.

The attached flyer details these restrictions, and you are encouraged to share this information with other individuals or organizations who might benefit from knowing this. Copies of the attached flyer will also be distributed to various bicycle shops in the Loveland and Fort Collins area.

Anyone wanting additional information on this particular flood recovery project should call 800-536-4403 or send an email to

Thank you for your understanding and sharing this information throughout the cycling community!


Joy Wasendorf, Senior Associate
Communication Infrastructure Group, LLC

PO Box 398 | Evergreen, CO | 80437

303-818-2499 mobile | 303-679-2743 fax |


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