Press Release 1-10-2016

Estes Park Cycling Coalition Elects a Board of Directors

The Estes Park Cycling Coalition (EPCC) elected its first Board of Directors. The new leadership will guide the Coalition to work towards achieving its Mission in the coming years. The Mission of EPCC is to create, enhance and preserve great bicycling in and around Estes Park, and create a bicycle-friendly community through cycling awareness, safety, advocacy and promotion of bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation.

EPCC started in 2014 as a grassroots effort by local bicycling enthusiasts who wanted to improve opportunities for all forms of bicycling in Estes Park. EPCC’s main goals and objectives are to focus on improving bicycling safety, developing trails, and improving and maintaining bicycling routes in and around town. Estes Park is recognized as a bicycling destination for professional level road cyclists.

There is potential to attract mountain bikers and more families looking for safe places to ride with their children. Board Chair Alicia Rochambeau explains “On behalf of the Board, we are very excited to improve cycling opportunities of all kinds in and around Estes Park. Bike riding has countless benefits for our health, the environment, the local economy, and community building.”

EPCC holds meetings once a month with the next meeting on January 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rock Cut Brewing Company. Anyone interested in attending is welcome to join and learn more about the Estes Park Cycling Coalition.

Estes Park Cycling Coalition Board of Directors, left to right on the photo: Mike Lewelling (Director), Alicia Rochambeau (Chair) Todd Plummer (Treasurer) Erica Goad (Secretary), Thad Eggen (Vice-Chair)


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