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Home Washing Companies Marketing Guidance
Stop unsuccessful publicity
For a house cleaning firm, let’s analyze the target sector. The bulk of your prospective clients are upper-middle-class, middle-age workers who may not have the time to clean, nor have the financial means to employ a cleaning firm. Many opportunities would fall into either the 30-40 age category, or the 60-80 age group, of smaller children at home. They are searching for a cleaning company that is properly managed and promises consumer loyalty and is behind that promise.
Why can you market to such a large age group? TV, radio, newspapers? Unfortunately, in only one of these newspapers, there is such a great variety in preferences that it is difficult to reach all prospects. An current communication campaign that combines all media outlets is thus ideal.
You become recognizable to them by constantly holding the business before the customer. Note your car signals in their area as they get your direct mail, see your TV advertising, track you in the yellow pages and on the phone, you’ve reached all the bases. Chances are, anytime they require a cleaning service, you’ll be the first business they remember.
Branding for
A “brand” is the memory of a business, product or service generated by the mutual awareness of an individual. “brands”brands. Each experience you provide must be in line with the picture you want to make. Branding is marketing, and any element of public contact is used in marketing.
Timing for
Your prospects must be introduced to it while they are in a responsive state of mind to be willing to excel in your marketing. You wouldn’t like to send the direct mail bits from Monday to Thursday when certain prospects are occupied worrying about matters of employment and time management. The days your direct mail item would have a more probable probability of getting read are Friday and Saturday.
Similarly, it will be less likely to draw the publicity you want to put a newspaper ad in the Company column — the advertising could be positioned in the Home and Garden section to be viewed at a moment when your customers are concentrated on their home. If you utilize local TV advertisements by running the ads at programming targeted at upper-income audiences, during a period when they are happy and centered on home life, i.e. food, home, or travel shows, adopt this same idea.
The Television
Television is the most costly method of advertisement by far. It also gives the least number of eligible leads. Next, do some homework if you are determined to make a TV commercial: call all the local TV stations to ask for examples of advertisements they have created for local businesses. Be mindful that after first deciding whether you are a legitimate candidate, the stations would not submit demo tapes – you will have to consult with advertising salespeople. For the appointments and associated phone calls from sales people, set aside at least two hours daily. You would know if the budget will compete with TV ads after you have spoken with a few salespeople.
If you plan to proceed with this location, ask each salesperson for examples of advertisements created by their stations, you will have to insist that this is a preliminary move to obtaining your company from them. Notice the names of the firms that are service-oriented as you watch the advertisements, then call each one to ask about the effects of their TV ad campaign. Ask the questions below:
During shows that were targeted toward upper class audiences, were the advertisements run?
O Were you confident that your advertisements really ran as planned, or were higher dollar marketers “bumped” them?
o Did the channel air them during unacceptable shows and tax you anyway if your advertisements were “bumped” from your preferred spot?
O Did eligible prospects ask for predictions after the commercial ran?
What was the proportion of professional vs. unqualified prospects?
Is the money you spent on this sort of advertisement worth the results?
Which marketing vehicle have you noticed to be the most successful?
Be aware that the contract specifies that you would NOT be paid if your ad is bumped from its place if it is transferred to programming that you have not pre-approved. Be forewarned that after it has been delivered to the lineup team, the salesperson has no idea what’s going on with your ad, and has no influence of it. If the ad is bumped at the last minute, at 2am on a court-TV rerun, it can become a filler ad.
Finally, record your pre-approved time slots so that you can decide whether your promotional budget has performed for you or against you. You have evidence – use it! If your ad did not run as stated in your contract, you have proof! Call the salesperson to chat to the channel manager if necessary to make the commercial played during the correct programming – and if the representative says so, do not compensate for commercials that have not been run correctly.
Direct Email
We also discovered that direct mail provides the best return per dollar, because if your mail is cost-effective and your mailing list is correct, it is sure to meet anyone you target. Notes, brochures or postcards are the options for direct mail. Letters are more likely to be treated as junk-mail and would be unopened, as it may be costly to manufacture brochures. The most affordable piece of direct mail, thus, is a postcard. Postcards are non-invasive, read fast, conveniently stored or taken to work and are cost-effective. They show the logo on both sides, whether or not the cards are read; therefore, sending postcards repetitively instills awareness of the mark.
The consumer loyalty pledge, the facilities you provide, the insurance borne, the website address, and phone numbers should be specified in your postcard. By utilizing the pre-formatted cards from MaidDocs, you may get an advertisement agency design a postcard for you, or save money.
Give a communications item at least twice per year to your clients and inactive customers. During months of sluggish market, provide your existing customers with deals on deep building cleaning company. The best tools for renewing company with dormant clients and achieving fresh opportunities are spring cleaning and pre-holiday specials.
Via a variety of outlets, direct mail lists are available. The “City Search” discs sold by Hill-Donnelly are the most economical listings we have discovered. Hill-Donnelly offers telephone assistance to show you how to retrieve details from the disks and store it as a spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel. There are other lists accessible via several sources that you can find on the internet. In addition, several firms provide pre-sorted details on shipping stickers, ready for peel-and-stick.
Visit the nearest post office to order a pre-paid mailing permit for First Class. Instructions about how to set up the permit block will be given by the USPS delegate. You literally count out the amount to be sent as your postcards are printed, and then send them to the bulk-mail rep at the nearest post office. This saves time and seems more professional (no applying stamps by hand).
Door-Knockers Knockers
Door-knockers are selling bits that hang on a door handle that are pre-cut. While they are inexpensive to make, it may be costly to pay the workers to supply them. There is also the possibility that the door-knockers will be kicked away and delivery hours will be applied to their timesheet. Therefore, whether you intend to distribute them yourself or have an accurate distribution monitoring system, door knockers are not a cost-efficient form of advertisement.
Internet Online
On neighborhood websites, local service businesses are also listed for free. Search them all and present the data to them. Many give online entry forms – but it is well worth the effort if you need to call and directly inquire to be identified. Including each listing of the logo, website and e-mail addresses.
It is desirable to create your own website. A proportion of the sales can come directly from prospects who surf the web for cleaning service providers, based on the region you are serving. Other prospects can get a publicity piece or see your ad on the yellow pages, and before calling, check the website. As a way of reiterating the phone chat and reading client testimonials, prospects that call but do not book a service should be led to the website.
In the yellow pages, you might be able to locate a nearby web developer or, better still, inquire for a recommendation from other small business owners. When you have a few applicants, question them about the addresses of the websites they have built. Login in to these pages and visit all of the pages to decide if the forms created by the design and visitor offer an impression that is consistent with the branding you want for your company. Send an e-mail to the company owners asking whether they are pleased with the information and support offered by the webmaster as you decide which designs fit your needs.
Pages in Yellow
Many prospects can check for service providers on the yellow pages. Some would look you up in the yellow pages as they get a piece of direct mail – only to check that you are a legal corporation. You should mention much of the details on your postcard in the yellow page ad. If this is prohibitive for costs, clearly state “Satisfaction Guaranteed” and always list the address of your website.