kevin manuel started the topic diesel and cleaning in the forum Chit Chat 6 years, 10 months ago
with all the tips for cleaning in this forum i thought i would share this tip for cleaning the chain set and chain as i have found diesel works excellent as a cleaning agent and has also penatration and lubrication properties, for the chain and gear mechanisms all you need is a tray a small brush and some diesel ,once cleaned wipe excess from…[Read more]
kevin manuel started the topic Splendor bike engine running off problem in the forum Rides 6 years, 10 months ago
My splendor bike have running off issue. While am driving the bike its suddenly off the engine, if i suddenly use the clutch and slow the speed and increase the accelerator bike then engine running normally. I checked with all the hero shops mechanics and serviced also, but still issue is not cleared. Can you please help to find the…[Read more]
kevin manuel became a registered member 6 years, 11 months ago